Gilera lives!
Wiring sorted (well, the dodgy bits by-passed), fresh oil, and this is how she sounds without laying a spanner on her. Gilera 175 Giubileo Almost tempted to stick that single seat back on her and run her as is for the summer. Mmmm. Pretty fruity for a little ‘un, eh?
Moto Simpatico at Influx Magazine
Had a visit from Mike Fordham, maestro at Influx Magazine. Cool guy and very ‘simpatico’. This was the result. www.influx.co.uk He’s done a great job of the photos. The Sport 15 looks peachy. Can’t see how the others could be bettered without a time machine or a bit of plastic surgery. (Now, where’s my Dremel?)
Gilera Giubileo – the curse of ancient loomings and other mysteries
You remember that the Gilera is supposed to have ‘an intermittent ignition fault’? That it runs, but roughly? Previously, horribly twisted wiring fixes, hidden under insulting tape, chilled the heart. A points gap you could pass a spanner through can’t have been helping either. But it gets worse (better, I mean, since we are moving … Continue reading
Beat that, Joe Lucas
Inside the headlamp of our 1957 Moto Guzzi Lodola lurks this little gem of an automotive logo. Aprilia (not the modern bike maker) was Italy’s Lucas, and had a similar reputation (Prince of Darkness and all that). But this unusual logo is a little period design treat.
Insulating behaviour
My dad used to call it insulting tape. When you see what people hide under it, you can see what he was getting at. This Gilera is supposed to have a ‘mystery’ electrical fault. Mystery it ever worked, more like. (Note: dreaded pre-insulted spade connectors in the background. Two insults for the price of one! … Continue reading